The VROOM Tag System

Tags are used to insert dynamic content into your Templates and Includes. For example, if you want to output a list of your pages, then you simply create an HTML <ul> tag and then use the {navigation} tag within it. Or, if you wish to output the name of the page, you can insert the {page:title} tag in your text. Please note that most tags will work only from within a Template or Include, but some tags will work at block level; for example, image and file tags.

General Tags

  • {blockX} - Creates an editable block region, where X is the number of the region
  • {image:REFERENCE} - Inserts an image, based on the reference
  • {thumb:REFERENCE} - Inserts an image thumbnail, based on the reference
  • {file:REFERENCE} - Produces a download link for a file, based on the reference
  • {include:REFERENCE} - Inserts the code from an Include, based on the reference
  • {webform:REFERENCE} - Inserts the code for a web form, based on the reference

Page Tags

\{page:title} - Title of page
\{page:heading} -Heading of page (used by modules)
\{page:description} - Description of page (meta)
\{page:keywords} - Keywords / tags (meta)
\{page:date} - Date page was created
\{page:date-modified} - Date page was last modified
\{page:uri} - URI or path of page
\{page:uri-encoded} - Encoded URI or path of page
\{page:uri:segment(1)} - The first segment of the URI (the parent)
\{page:uri:segment(2)} - The second segment of the URI (the nested page)
\{page:uri:segment(3)} - The third segment of the URI

Navigation Tags

{navigation} - Navigation items in list format without enclosing UL
{navigation:parents} - Just the parents (no children or sub-navigation)
{navigation:children} - Just the children of the currently active parent page

Site Tags

\{site:name\} - Name of website
\{site:domain\} - Domain of website
\{site:url\} - URL of website
\{site:email\} - Email of website
\{site:tel\} - Telephone number of website
\{site:currency\} - Currency of website
\{site:currency-symbol\} - Currency symbol of website (e.g. $)

User Session Tags

\{userdata:id\} - ID of logged in user
\{userdata:email\} - Email of logged in user
\{userdata:username\} - Username of logged in user
\{userdata:name\} - Full name of logged in user
\{userdata:first-name\} - First name of logged in user
\{userdata:last-name\} - Last name of logged in user

Date Tags

\{date\} - Inserts today's date based on site preferences (e.g. time zone and MMDD order)
\{date:unixtime\} - Inserts today's date in UNIX time
\{date:year\} - Inserts the current 4-digit year
\{date:month\} - Inserts the current month
\{date:dayofmonth\} - Inserts the current day of the month

Gallery Tags

Please note that gallery tags are "loop tags" which must be closed at the end of the loop using a tag that matches the opening tag (e.g., {/gallery:REFERENCE})

\{gallery:REFERENCE\} - Inserts the images in a folder specified by the reference
\{galleryimage:link\} - Inserts a link to a particular gallery image
\{galleryimage:title\} - Inserts the title of a particular gallery image
\{galleryimage:thumb\} - Inserts a thumbnail image of a particular gallery image

Filelist Tags

Please note that file list tags are "loop tags" which must be closed at the end of the loop using a tag that matches the opening tag (e.g., {/filelist:REFERENCE})

\{filelist:REFERENCE\} - Inserts the files in a folder specified by the reference
\{filelink:link\} - Inserts a link to a particular file
\{filelink:title\} - Inserts the title of a particular file
\{filelink:description\} - Inserts the description of a particular file

Community User List Tags

Please note that user list tags are "loop tags" which must be closed at the end of the loop using a tag that matches the opening tag (e.g., {/community:userlist:group(REFERENCE})

'user:email' => $user['email'],
'user:group' => ($user['groupName']) ? $user['groupName'] : '',
'user:link' => site_url('/users/profile/'.$user['userID']),
'user:bio' => $user['bio'], // added by Vizlogix to include staff titles, etc.
'user:signature' => $user['signature'], // added by Vizlogix to include full names on staff pages, etc.
'user:website' => $user['companyWebsite'] // added by Vizlogix

Feed Tags

Please note that feed tags are "loop tags" which must be closed at the end of the loop using a tag that matches the opening tag (e.g., {/rssfeed:(URL)})

\{picasafeed:url(URL)\} - Inserts the contents of the Picasa feed pointed to by the URL
\{rssfeed:url(URL)\} - Inserts the contents of the RSS feed pointed to by the URL

Headline Tags

Headline tags are described in more detail on the various module-specific pages, since their content depends largely on the module for which they are generating code. Please note that headlines tags are "loop tags" which must be closed at the end of the loop using a tag that matches the opening tag (e.g., {/headlines:MODULE}), and the headline tags are placed within the loop to generate the appropriate information for each item.

{headlines:MODULE} - Show headlines based on module reference
{headlines:MODULE:category(REFERENCE)} - Shows headlines based on category
{headlines:MODULE:category(REFERENCE):limit(5)} - Shows headlines based on category with a limit
{headline:title} - Title of item (e.g., a blog post)
{headline:link} - Link to the item specified in the headline
{headline:date} - Date that headline item was posted
{headline:day} - Day the headline item was posted (DD)
{headline:month} - Month the headline item was posted (MMM)
{headline:year} - Year the headline item was posted (YY)
{headline:body} - Body of the headline item
{headline:excerpt} - Excerpt of the headline item
{headline:comments} - Number of comments the headline item has (for the blog module)
{headline:author} - Full name of the author of the headline item
{headline:author-id} - ID of the author of the headline item
{headline:class} - Alternate class of the headline (e.g. even articles get a class of 'alt')

Misc Tags

\{errors\} - Any errors that might have resulted from a posted form
\{message\} - Any message (usually a success) that might have resulted from a form
\{clear\} - Produces code that rectifies any image alignment problems
\{more\} - Produces a link to the blog post (for Blog module)
\{logged-in\} - Boolean for whether the user is logged in or not
\{admin\} - Boolean for whether the user is an administrator or not
\{ajax\} - Boolean for whether the request is AJAX or not
\{mobile\} - Boolean for whether the browser is a mobile or not