VROOM Installation

Quick Start

  1. Download the latest repository from GitHub.
  2. Extract the contents and upload them to your web root folder (including the '/static' folder and the 'index.php' and '.htaccess' files).
  3. Create a new MySQL database (and record the hostname, username, password, and database name, and run the provided SQL dump on it.
  4. Configure your database settings in the '/halogy/config/database.php' file. NOTE: At this point, VROOM should run on your domain, but for security reasons, we suggest you continue.
  5. Move the '/halogy' folder to a location outside of the web root; for example, to the parent directory or a code repository folder.
  6. Edit the 'index.php' file, go to line 63, and change the path to point to the CMS root folder (e.g. '../halogy').

Testing a new site

  1. Go to 'your-domain.com/admin'.
  2. Log in with the default superuser account: (superuser / super123).
  3. Once logged in, change your superuser password to a more secure password, then create a website administrator by clicking on Users > All Users.

You should now be good to go. If you have just installed VROOM on your server and want to get going, but aren't sure where to start, don't worry. Just follow the steps on this page and you'll soon start seeing for yourself how quick and easy everything is.

Enabling the CodeIgniter Logging Feature

  • Create a "logs" folder under the "Halogy" folder
  • Set it to file permission 777

You should now see log files being generated in that folder.

Upload a Logo

Log in to your administration portal by going to /admin and logging in with the username and password you were provided with when you first signed up.

  • Click on Uploads
  • Click on Upload Image
  • Find a Logo (that's saved for web)
  • Type "Logo" in to the description field

Display an Image

You can then reference this image in your page. Let's have a go:

Click on View Site Click on Edit in the first editable region (or Block) that you see Click on the Image Button that looks like a little square inside a circle A browser will appear Click on the newly upload logo image Click on the Green Tick and your changes will be saved You just uploaded an image and referenced it in an editable region!

Edit a Template

Let's put your logo in the top of your template so it's hard coded and non editable by a Block.

Click on Admin to go back to the administration portal Click on Templates Click on Default Find the code that says


div class="logo"> Delete the code inside that div. Add the image tag reference for your logo by typing Click Save Changes Click View Site Refresh the page, and you'll see that your new logo is in the template above the editable region. Easy!